Thursday, March 17, 2011

Agnolotti: Foodie's Word for Ravioli

Hello Everyone!! 

No PHYSICAL accidents this week to tell you about!  However, my clumisness took a turn for the worst.  If you know me at all then you know I must have my glass of wine within arms reach while I'm cooking (It helps bring out my inner sous chef). I elbowed my wine glass onto the stove.  I know it looks like murder.  Let us take a moment of silence for the loss of my perfectly perfect glass of Blue Fin Pinot Noir.

Now, let's pour another glass of wine and get started!

This week I made agnolotti from scratch.  It looks like ravioli, it tastes like ravioli, therefore I will call it ravioli.  If you recall, I made my own pasta from the Ratio book I got for Christmas.  What's great is the author tells you how to make pasta dough and then gives you ideas on what to do with it.  There are many recipes in the back for different fillings, as well.  I chose the chicken and herbs filling.  My parents got me a Fluted Pastry Wheel for Valentines Day and I really wanted to use it on this! 

First, I made the dough.  9 oz of flour and 6 oz of egg.  I ended up with 9 ozs of flour and 3 eggs were 5 ozs so I added a bit of water to the mixture.  Check out my Pasta Post to see more details on the ratio and how to prep the dough.  After cutting the dough into 4 and rolling it out - you have 4 sheets approximately 18 in x 4 in.  I just kind of rolled it out until it was really thin.  Then, I used my pastry wheel and cut away. 

Note my fingers at a safe distance from the cutting tool.  Bravo!

After I made my little squares I tubed the filling in.  The recipe for the filling was from the book but you can find anything online.  The one I used was chicken and herbs.  1/2 lb of chicken thighs diced, 1 tsp of chives and tarragon, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper, 1/2 cup of cream... mixed in a food processor. 
I egg-washed the squares so they would stick together, put the slices on top of each other, and then pinched the sides.  They actually looked like ravioli!!
Alas, I did not learn my lesson from the last time I made pasta and made my squares a bit big.  When I boiled them... they expanded.
After making this all from scratch, I popped open a jar of the finest $2 (2 for 1 at Publix!) tomato sauce and heated it on the stove.  Don't judge me, we can't all be Martha Stewart. 

In the end, it was fantastic!!! Great flavor and they just looked so cool!  I highly suggest people try this with different fillings.  It's not that difficult and kind of fun.

xoxo Peace, Love, and Good Food!


  1. Blue Fin for the win!
    Also, the ravioli look amazing. I'm super impressed.

  2. Amanda!! I saw this and was super impressed that you were able to whip up your own Ravioli from scratch! I'll have to attempt that soon! Anyways, I absolutely LOVED San Fransisco, except for the fact that it was chilly and rainy half the time :( It may be touristy but the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf are definitely good sites to see. There is also great shopping (hehe) and while I didn't get to go to any, there were a bunch of cute little shops on our way to the Golden Gate that I really wanted to go to. We ate at Bisto Boudin one night in Fisherman's Wharf and it was super yummy with also this homemade bread that they bake on site! Keep up the good work with the blog and hope to make it to Atlanta soon!

    <3 kristen

    P.S. I can totally hear you're voice in you're it!
